Vol. 25 April 07, 2023
We have the Solutions for Your Cleaning Needs
David H. 30th Anniversary
David H. Isaac, Vice-President Operations, Cleaning Expert, Supervisor, #1 Salesperson, all of these titles are only some of the positions that he is actively handling. Words only describe just the surface of what he is capable of. Let’s celebrate with David and let him know how appreciative we are of him and all of his hard work. Slàinte to David!
Let’s take a trip down memory lane when it all started over 30 years ago when David, a 19 year old coming from Mexico, just looking to make his mark on the world. Little did he know that this new job would be the beginning of a wonderful career.
David started as a general cleaner who always performed above and beyond the normal expectations. It wasn’t long before he was given the prestigious position of carpet cleaner. He grew his reputation with customers and became highly sought after and recommended. His attention to detail and willingness to work with clients made him popular, not only would he perform his work impeccably, but he would also offer explanations of his work and top off service with helpful advice in maintaining his work after he was finished.
After spending several years in the field doing everything from carpet cleaning to washing windows and stripping floors, he had proven to Kelly Cleaning that he was an invaluable part of the organization. His talents and determination proved that he was ready to be promoted to a position where he could use his skills in more administrative areas of the company.
Now after 30+ years of giving his all to this company, he sits in the Vice-President position and oversees the company in its day to day operations. On top of this he is a great father and family member that is always willing to lend a hand and offer sagely advice.
So, the next time that you see him on a jobsite, in the office, or at the grocery store, congratulate him and give him a “Slàinte” for his good deeds and loyalty to Kelly Cleaning!

Sierge's Solutions
Sierge! I have cleaned my toilets hundreds of times and I still can’t get the hard calcium ring out of the bowl, what do I do?

Dia Duit and may the road rise up to meet you! We have the tool just for you! Now just a fair bit of warning with this tool. Once you use this tool, you will have to continue to use it if the same problem arises again. This tool is a pumice stone, which you can buy at the Kelly Tech Store.

Sláinte (slawn-cha) = Cheers
Raymundo has been working with Kelly Cleaning for just over a year now and he’s been amazing! He has received numerous compliments on not only his work, but also his supervision of his crew and his dependability.

Tips on Tomatoes!
- First find out what zone you are in! If you are in Ojai or Santa Paula, you are in zone 9b. Most other parts of Ventura County are in 10a
- Choose the best variety for your growing zone
- 9b: Beefsteak types are going to be your friend. Our recommendation is Early Girl and Sun Master
- 10a: Our recommendation is Big Beef
- Timing your plants is super important. The planting season starts in April and ends in August.
- We recommend April to give you more opportunities to replant if issues occur
- Once the plant is established, we recommend a liquid fertilizer like compost or worm casting tea every two weeks.
- Have a structure for your tomatoes to climb and remove non productive branches from your plants.
- Lastly, water your plants regularly in the early morning before the sun rises. Water will give your tomatoes the energy they need to be bountiful and healthy.

Visit our Kelly Tech Center for all of your cleaning needs at 2300 Knoll Dr. STE B
Visit our Ultimate Rug Spa at 1445 Donlon St. STE 2
Visit our website: www.KellyClean.net
Give us a call at (805) 644-5308
Kelly Tech Center
2300 Knoll Dr. Suite B
Ventura, CA 93003