Vol. 24 March 09, 2023
We have the Solutions for Your Cleaning Needs
The Real St. Paddy
Yes! You read and see it correctly! It’s “Paddy” not “Patty’s” Day. This long debated topic is going to be finally put to rest. You see, Paddy is the shortened version of the traditional Irish spelling of Patrick, which is actually Pádraig (Pah·drehg). Patty is often used as the shortened version for Patricia.
Great! Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this article! St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday where people can become Irish for the day even if you are not truly Irish. Originally, the holiday was meant to honor Ireland’s patron saint, but did you know that St. Patrick wasn’t originally from Ireland?
St. Patrick was born in Britain and according to Confessions of Saint Patrick, he was captured and enslaved for six years by Irish pirates. After six years of enslavement, he escaped his captors and fled to a port two hundred miles away where he persuaded the captain to take him aboard. He was presumed to have made landfall in Britain after three days of sailing.
St. Patricks tale continues of his continued study and devout following of the Christian Religion. According to tradition, he returned to Ireland years later as a missionary where he was not welcomed by the locals and was forced to sail further North of the Irish coast and landed in the islands off the Skerries coast which still uses the name of Inis-Patrick.
Just to really throw you some curveballs about St. Patrick, about the holiday, and general Irish culture, here are some interesting facts.
- The idea that St. Patrick rid Ireland of its snake problem is a complete myth. There were no snakes for him to banish.
- The first St. Patrick’s Day Parade was held in America in 1601.
- The Irish were once scorned in America.
- Corned Beef and Cabbage was created in America due to the Irish living in impoverished conditions.
But nowadays all around the world, St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration of Irish culture and tradition. So join in on the fun and have a great time!

Sierge's Solutions

Dia Duit and may the road rise up to meet ya! I hope that you are all looking forward to one of the best holidays of the year. Although this might be a fun holiday, a person can find themselves having
- If you are a cook, then nothing is better than a full Irish Breakfast, or better known as a fry up. Fry ups have Bacon, sausages, fried eggs, baked beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, hash browns, and if you can handle it, I highly recommend the black pudding.
- A swim in the Atlantic… Well this may be difficult but I supposed that the Pacific is a close enough match.
- Pickles for electrolytes and water for rehydration
- If all else fails, “The Hair of the Dog” will bring you back to where you were last night! (Proceed with caution) Which is my favorite solution MK.
Sláinte (slawn-cha) = Cheers
January’s Cleaners of the Month Award and $50 cash prize goes too… Alejandra Soriano!
Alejandra Soriano is one of the newer cleaners that has been working with Kelly Cleaning. She and her crew started in June of last year, and she has already gained a great reputation. Her work is magnificent and has received raving reviews! Sláinte to Alejandra!

Service Spotlight
For this month’s service spotlight, we would like to showcase our Window Cleaning Service!
All the rain Southern California has been receiving is amazing, unexpected, and a little worrisome at times. But one thing is for certain, it’s getting difficult to see out our home’s windows. The combination of high winds, the pollen of spring plants, and the torrential downpouring of rain has left our windows looking a little spotted and dirty to say the least.
Don’t worry, because Kelly Cleaning has the solution for you! Allow us to clean your windows so you can enjoy the beautiful greenery that has popped up all over Ventura County!

Visit our Kelly Tech Center for all of your cleaning needs at 2300 Knoll Dr. STE B
Visit our Ultimate Rug Spa at 1445 Donlon St. STE 2
Visit our website: www.KellyClean.net
Give us a call at (805) 644-5308
Kelly Tech Center
2300 Knoll Dr. Suite B
Ventura, CA 93003