Vol. 26 May 10, 2023
We have the Solutions for Your Cleaning Needs
Warehouse Cleaning in Ventura
This type of cleaning is not new to Kelly Cleaning. We perform these kinds of services for many of our clients. Our large scale cleaning services are not just limited to cleaning warehouse floors, no we provide services such as:
- Window Cleaning
- Pressure Washing
- Post-Construction Cleanup
- Stripping & Sealing
- Solar Panel Cleaning
If you are in need of large scale cleaning services, look no further than Kelly Cleaning! We service all of the Ventura County and Santa Barbara area. Give us a call at (805) 288-6299 or email us at KellyCleaning@KellyClean.net

Sierge's Solutions

Dia Duit and may the road rise up to meet you! Me and my dog, Shamrock, had a wee incident the other day that consisted of running into an unsuspecting and startled skunk… Unfortunately, Shamrock and I were thoroughly doused in the horrendous odor. Luckily I had just the thing to get rid of the smell out of my kilt and off me wee pup!
- Wipe excess skunk spray off your dog
- Spray and saturate the affected area with Skunk Off
- Work in thoroughly
- Rinse and let dry
- Repeat if the smell persists
This product can also be used in your laundry machine if your clothes were hit by skunk spray. Just dilute the solution according to the bottle per load of laundry and you’ll be smelling great in no time.
Pick up this product at the Kelly Tech Center at 2300 Knoll Dr. Suite B in Ventura! At this current moment we are having a sale of $5 per quart bottle!

Sláinte (slawn-cha) = Cheers
Rocelia Vences is an amazing cleaner and someone you can depend on! Although she only started working along with Kelly Cleaning in December of last year, she has already been making waves in terms of her excellent service! Let’s give it up to Rocelia! Sláinte!

What Moms Want
We can’t even begin to thank our Mothers enough for all of their hard work and dedication that they provided for us when we were younger. From the moment we were born to now, we will always be seen as their baby.
So, how do we show our appreciation to the one that gave us everything and turned us into the people that we are today? Here are a few options that will surely bring a smile to your Mother’s face:
- Write a handwritten letter
- Create a scrapbook with nostalgic pictures
- Help her with projects and chores
- Take her out to a nice meal
- Give her something that she has been wanting (And wrap it!)
- Take her on a vacation
If none of those things are feasible or possible, the one thing that a mother truly wants is your time. In most cases the most valuable thing that you can give someone is your time and attention. Too often we are busy doing something that takes us away from loved ones, and that is the one thing that we can’t take back. So, show some love and appreciation and spend time with the one that gave you life!

Visit our Kelly Tech Center for all of your cleaning needs at 2300 Knoll Dr. STE B
Visit our Ultimate Rug Spa at 1445 Donlon St. STE 2
Visit our website: www.KellyClean.net
Give us a call at (805) 644-5308
Kelly Tech Center
2300 Knoll Dr. Suite B
Ventura, CA 93003