We have the Solutions for Your Cleaning Needs
Vol. 20 Nov 9, 2022
Pet Cleaning & You
Pets! In the US, more than 48 million households have dogs and 31 million households have cats. We all love our furry companions and all of their nuances. All of our animals seem to have the quirkiest of personalities and the most peculiar ways of getting your home that bit messier.
Just this week, I found that my 3 cats and 2 dogs have somehow turned my normal Halloween decorations into smaller, chewed on, and scattered Halloween decorations throughout my home. I guess they must’ve had their own vision for decorating the home…

Whatever the case may be, animals always have to leave their mark in the household and that may come at the expense of you having to clean a stain, vacuum messes, and remove pet odor. Luckily, we here at Kelly Cleaning understand exactly what pet owners need to make sure their home stays fresh and clean because we are pet owners. We also know that it’s always an uphill battle when it comes to our furry fellows.
Kelly Cleaning specializes in pet stain cleaning, pet odor removal, and general pet mess cleaning. Our truck mounted steam cleaning units provide the power needed to clean pet stains and odor from
carpets and upholstery! Are your wood floors scratched from your pet’s nails? Our floor restoration has you covered! Mittens had a little accident on your valuable rug? The Ultimate Rug Spa will pamper your rug back to its original Glory! Feeling like you can handle the mess? Kelly Tech, Kelly’s Janitorial Supply Store, offers all of the supplies that our technicians use to clean any pet mishaps. All of our Kelly branded solutions are green seal certified and pet safe.
Call us at (805) 644-5308 or email KellyCleaning@KellyClean.net if you would like to schedule your next service or if you have any questions regarding our services!

Sierge's Solutions

Dia Duit and may the road rise up to meet ya! Well since we are on the topic of pets, my little Irish Terrier, Shamrock, recently had a wee mishap this morn’ when he tracked in mud all over my carpet.
Lucky Charm is the Kelly Cleaning number one chemical that we use for stain removal. Lucky Charm is a water-based product that requires no rinsing, vacuuming, or waiting. This product will make stains vanish before your eyes. It’s a product that I recommend all pet owners have in their cleaning arsenal!

October’s Cleaner of the Month Award goes too… Laura Rodriguez! Sláinte to Laura!
There are many ways to describe Laura, but the words that come to mind are determined, consistent, loyal, and diligent. Laura has been working with Kelly Cleaning for over 20 years and has consistently been praised for her hard work. Not only is she a great cleaner but she is also a great person that is very caring!
Kelly Cleaning is grateful for her industrious work habit and her devotion to providing the best service! Slainte to Laura!

Fáilte (Fall-cha) = Welcome
Fáilte, to the newest members of the Kelly Cleaning family: City of Ojai, Tri Counties Regional Center, Century 21 Everest Group Camarillo, Searle Creative Ventura, Rescue Mission Alliance, Oxnard Fence Factory Moorpark, Machining Cloud, Naturalists at Large, and Aquastar Pool Products
All of these wonderful companies are utilizing Kelly Cleaning’s premium janitorial service. We could not be any happier that they have given us the opportunity to service their facilities. We are determined to show
consistency in everything from our commercial cleaning all the way to our customer service.
Solution Spotlight
For this month’s Cleaning Solution Spotlight let’s stay on the topic of our pets; we would like to present to you Goolie Gobbler. Goolie Gobbler is an enzyme-based cleaning agent that will target odor producing bacteria without causing any harm to a surface. Fancy stuff, right?
odor producing bacteria without causing any harm to a surface. Fancy stuff, right? This product does an amazing job of getting rid of odors that have permeated surfaces. Have you ever noticed that pet odor or worse yet pet urine odor is extremely difficult to remove, well that is because of bacteria that is created from your pet. Goolie does what it’s called, the enzymes in this solution gobbles up that bacteria, thus ridding the smell directly at its source.
We also use this product when it comes to cleaning furnaces or air ducts that have a particularly stinky
smell. If you are interested in picking up this product yourself, head on over the Kelly Tech store and we’ll be more than happy to assist you!

Visit our Kelly Tech Center for all of your cleaning needs at 2300 Knoll Dr. STE B
Visit our Ultimate Rug Spa at 1445 Donlon St. STE 2
Visit our website: www.KellyClean.net
Give us a call at (805) 644-5308
Kelly Tech Center
2300 Knoll Dr. Suite B
Ventura, CA 93003